We had a great time last weekend roaming the streets of Old Town with and photographing Mrs. Albuquerque 2010, Adriane Callinan. Adriane is married to a career U.S. Navy officer and is mother to an 11 year-old son.
We were working with Adriane in updating her modeling and head shot portfolio. Albuquerque has the perfect representative in Adriane! Turns out that she was a 'natural' and we got some beautiful poses and photographs with her.
We thought Adriane has a striking resemblance to TV actress and Golden Globe® Winner Kyra Sedgwick from "The Closer" as did some of the tourists who happened across our photo session!
On June 19th Adriane Callinan will complete against dozens of other New Mexican women from across our state for the title of Mrs. New Mexico. Mrs. New Mexico 2010 will then go on to the national competition for the title of Mrs. U.S.A. I hope you'll join Route 66 Photography on June 19th to cheer Adriane on to the State title.
Best of luck to Adriane Callinan!